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I Want To Track My Son's Car  (Without Him Knowing)

I Want To Track My Son's Car (Without Him Knowing)

Did you know unsafe driving habits are one of the core behaviors that can result in teen drivers being involved in motor vehicle accidents? The reality is teenagers are considered “high risk” drivers due to a myriad of factors that include inexperience behind the wheel, a propensity to engage in risk-taking behaviors, and of course peer pressure. So what can you do to protect your teenage son when he is driving? This article will take a deep-dive into some of the common negative teen driving behaviors as well as the best solution to help parents protect loved ones.

Teen Driver Monitoring In 3 Easy Steps

The best way to make certain your teen is driving safely is through the use of a GPS vehicle tracker. This is because GPS tracking devices provide speed alerts, real time location updates, unsafe driving alerts, and other GPS data that can help parents shape teen driving habits in a positive way. Now, let’s look at how easy it is to use a GPS tracker using three (3) simple steps!

  1. Invest In A Real Time GPS: Whether it is a OBD GPS or wireless portable tracker, you will first want to find a reliable GPS device from a GPS manufacturer or online reseller. According to Amazon reviews from verified buyers, some of the best teen car tracker solutions include the LandAirSea 54, SpyTec STI GL300 GPS Tracker, MotoSafety GPS, and Vyncs Link Car GPS. Please note that some tracking devices require a monthly subscription and/or activation fees for GPS data.
  2. Equip GPS Tracking System To Teen’s Car: Once you found the vehicle tracker right for you the next step is equipping the GPS car tracker on your teen’s automobile. We recommend hiding the monitoring system in the glove box, under a seat, into the OBD port, or under the automobile. Essentially, somewhere out of the view of the teen driver.
  3. View Real Time Location (+ Historical Data): Using a GPS tracking phone app such as SilverCloud, you can now access the real-time location of your loved ones’ vehicle and secretly track them by accessing the car GPS tracker remotely!

Bad Driving Habits By Teens Every Parent Must Know

As we discussed earlier, when using a car GPS tracker you are able to track your son’s vehicle 24/7 and be sure he is not driving dangerously fast. But what about some of the other bad driving habits that a GPS tracker for vehicles won’t catch? Although speeding is considered one of the worst driving habits that can also turn into a long term negative driving behavior, other bad driving habits include:

  1. Failure To Wear A SeatBelt
  2. Texting While Driving
  3. Driving With Too Many Passengers
  4. Ignoring Traffic Lights & Signs
  5. Driving Under The Influence
  6. Listening To Music Too Loudly When Driving

Best Car Tracking Device For Parents 

Some of the top-selling vehicle tracking devices on Amazon include the Brickhouse Security Spark Nano 7 and Vyncs GPS, but only one real-time GPS has over 14,000 customer reviews with an overwhelming number of 4 and 5-star ratings. The GPS device is the LandAirSea GPS 54. Some of the features of the mini portable car tracking device include real time tracking as fast as every 3 seconds, lifetime access to historical location tracking data, free technical support for the life of the product, and most importantly an affordable $29.95 price tag.


If you want to track your teenage son’s car without him knowing the best way to do that is by equipping a vehicle tracking device such as the LandAirSea 54 to his automobile. This will allow you to know the exact location of where he is anytime and also provide any parent with a teen driver monitoring solution. This makes it easy for you to know where he is, where he has been, how fast he was driving, and other GPS data that can literally be life-saving.

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