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Top Benefits of a GPS Tracker for Your Family’s Travel Safety

Top Benefits of a GPS Tracker for Your Family’s Travel Safety

Eighty percent of Americans said they planned to take a road trip in 2022, and it's easy to see why. Driving off the beaten path and exploring the great outdoors with your family can be a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

Wherever you plan to travel in your vehicle this summer, it's essential to think about your family's safety when on the open road. Getting lost in a remote location or being unable to phone loved ones because of a lack of cellular coverage can turn your road trip into a nightmare. Thankfully, GPS trackers can enhance your experience by generating location and speed insights, helping you safeguard your loved ones. Learn more below!

Know Your Location at all Times

Sometimes, the unexpected can happen on a road trip. You might take a wrong turn and end up in the wrong place or be unable to use Google Maps on your iPhone because of a lack of Wi-Fi or cellular coverage. These scenarios could put your family at risk, especially if you don't know your current location.

GPS trackers, like the products made by LandAirSea (LAS), generate real-time location insights, allowing you to determine your whereabouts at all times when driving. These products receive signals from GPS satellites and send location data to an offline app on your phone or tablet, meaning you can find your location even without an internet or phone connection. As long you attach a charged GPS tracker to someplace in your vehicle, you'll be able to know exactly where you are in the world, apart from rare occurrences of signal interference. That means you can quickly find the best routes to your chosen destination and avoid situations that might jeopardize your safety, such as unsafe roads. 

GPS trackers are only a few inches in height, width, and diameter, meaning they won't take up too much space in your vehicle and distract you from driving. Traditional GPS handheld systems like TomTom and Garmin are much larger and typically attach to your car's windscreen, side window, or dashboard so you can view location data on their screens. Trackers, however, attach to almost anywhere in your vehicle, such as under the seat or in a glove compartment. You can then view location information on your smart device and make smarter navigational choices that protect your family. 

Send Your Location to Authorities in Emergencies

Say your vehicle breaks down in the wilderness, and you can't return to your original location. You try calling someone for help, but you don't have cellular coverage on your phone. In this scenario, GPS systems can potentially save the lives of you and your family. 

GPS trackers improve safety during road trips by letting you share real-time location information with authorities like search and rescue teams. By sending GPS coordinates during an emergency, first responders can locate you and your family and provide you with immediate assistance. 

With LAS devices, sharing your whereabouts is easy. After opening the Silvercloud app on your mobile device, you can send location information to anyone you like, including first responders, in a few simple steps. That's thanks to ShareSpot technology, which offers accurate location sharing and tracking for emergencies. 

Know Your Driving Speed

You might forget you are driving at a high speed on an open road during your road trip. However, not being aware of how fast you are traveling could increase the chances of an accident and put your family at risk.

GPS systems calculate the speed you travel through a process called trilateration, which measures how quickly you pass different locations or "waypoints." These products feed this information to an app on your mobile device, so you know when to slow down. 

LAS trackers not only calculate the speed you travel on a road trip but send notifications to your smart device when you exceed a pre-determined threshold. These alerts will remind you to slow down and can prevent worst-case scenarios from happening. 

Prevent Vehicle Theft

You'll likely make multiple stops during your road trip, such as spending the night at different camping grounds. If someone steals your vehicle during one of these stopovers, your family might be at risk if you are stuck in a remote area and have no other way of getting home.

GPS units prevent vehicle theft by allowing you to track the whereabouts of your car through a mobile app when stopping at different locations on the road. You can even create a geofence — a virtual boundary for a real-world location — around your car when it's parked at a spot. You'll receive notifications on your smart device when your vehicle leaves its original position, indicating someone has stolen it. 

Thanks to ShareSpot technology, LAS trackers let you share the location of a stolen vehicle with law enforcement quickly. By sending the authorities a live map of your car as it moves from its original location to a new destination, you can increase the chances of retrieving your vehicle. 

How LAS Can Safeguard Your Summer Road Trip

With nearly 25 years of experience in the GPS surveillance industry, LAS has the products you need to keep your family safe on an upcoming summer road trip. Here are some of the company's products to know about:

LandAirSea 54

The LandAirSea 54 is a waterproof and dustproof GPS tracker that's small enough to attach to various areas of your vehicle during a road trip with its provided magnets. It has a long-lasting battery and ShareSpot capabilities, allowing you to track your location on the road. The product also offers speed alerts and geofence alerts, as well as a dark mode. 

LandAirSea Sync

The LandAirSea Sync plugs into your vehicle's OBD II port, meaning it doesn't require charging or batteries. Use this product to protect your vehicle and learn if someone moves your car from its original location. Other features include ShareSpot and historical data. 

LandAirSea Overdrive

The LandAirSea Overdrive has a battery that runs three to four times as long as the 54, making it a good choice for extended road trips this summer. You can attach the Overdrive to different areas of your vehicle with magnets and generate speed alerts to prevent an accident when driving. Other features include ShareSpot, battery alerts, and a dark mode. 

Which GPS tracker should you use for your next road trip? Contact LAS to find the right product that keeps your family safe. 

Improve Safety on the Road With LAS

No matter where you plan to take a road trip this summer, LAS' GPS trackers will keep your family safe. Investing in one of these products can help you share location data with authorities in emergencies, generate speed alerts, and know the location of your vehicle at all times. Whether you choose the 54, Overdrive, or Sync, you'll get world-class customer service, flexible pricing, and easy installation and activation.   

Order a GPS tracker for your upcoming road trip now and improve your family's safety. Alternatively, email to find out more about LAS' GPS devices. 

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