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Where Is The Best Place To Hide a GPS Tracker?

Where Is The Best Place To Hide a GPS Tracker?

The number of vehicles stolen by thieves varies by year. Generally, though, you can expect the FBI to report about 720,000 stolen vehicles per year in the United States. Nearly 220 out of 100,000 Americans will experience a car theft within the next year. 

You can do several things to lower your risk of car theft. For example, you can choose vehicles that rarely get targeted by criminals instead of models with high theft rates. You could also avoid cities with high crime rates. Of course, you can't always control these factors. Sometimes you own the car you own, and you live where you live.   

The good news is that GPS units can help everyone protect their vehicles. To get the most protection, though, you need to know the best places to hide a GPS tracker. 

General Tips for Hiding GPS Units

Before looking at specific locations, think about how the following tips can help you find the best place to hide a GPS tracker in your car. Ideally, you want to:
  • Keep the GPS unit out of sight.
  • Choose a spot where thieves won't think to look.
  • Select an inconvenient place for thieves to inspect.
  • Use a compact GPS unit with a long battery life.
As long as you follow those basic rules, you should get positive results from your tracker.
Where Is The Best Place To Hide A GPS Tracker?

7 Best Places To Hide A GPS Tracker In Your Car

So, where are the best places to hide a GPS tracker in your car? Try one of the following.

Inside a Door Panel

Most thieves never think to take off the door panels and look for GPS devices. Even careful thieves will need to spend a few minutes taking the panels off to hunt for a GPS unit. Those minutes could give police all of the time they need to track down the location, arrest the criminals, and take possession of your vehicle.

Obviously, you don't want to take apart your door very often to recharge your GPS unit's battery. It helps to choose a device with a long battery life. That makes the LandAirSea Overdrive a strong option. Its battery can last up to four weeks when set to communicate its location once per minute. You can extend the battery life even further (up to 12 months) by setting the Overdrive to "Low Power Mode." 

The LandAirSea Overdrive comes with access to the Silvercloud app, which lets you toggle between regular and low-power modes. The app will also let you track your vehicle's movement right from your mobile device, including a smartphone or tablet.

On the Undercarriage

Your car's undercarriage, the exterior of the cabin exposed underneath the vehicle, probably has several metal parts that make convenient places to attach GPS units with built-in magnets. This is one of the best places to hide a GPS tracker because the thief would need to get under the car to check for the unit. They won't take time for that while trying to reach safety.

You need a GPS unit with a very strong unit for this position to work. The Overdrive can do the job, but you might want to spend less money on a device that gets exposed to gravel, dust, and other elements. The LandAirSea 54 makes a good option because it has a low cost, strong magnet, and is lightweight. For about $30, you get a reliable, dustproof GPS tracker small enough to fit in your pocket. It has a battery that lasts one to three weeks before it needs recharging. That should give you peace of mind no matter how long you leave your car outside.

The OBD-II Port

The OBD-II port is one of the best places to hide a GPS tracker that you don't want to think about very often. The LandAirSea SYNC plugs directly into the port, so it never needs its battery recharged. 

The only potential downside of choosing a GPS unit like the LandAirSea Sync is that thieves might notice it. Most modern car designers place OBD-II ports inside the cabin, often by the driver's left knee. That's not exactly the stealthiest location. A few vehicles have OBD-II ports located under the hood. That's a better option for security purposes. 

Inside a Brake Light

With many cars, you can only access the brake lights from inside the trunk. That makes brake lights a great location for hiding GPS trackers. Make sure that you place the unit somewhere that doesn't block the light, though. Otherwise, you could give the police a reason to focus on you instead of criminals.

Inside a Seat Cushion

If you want to keep your GPS tracker in a location you can access easily, put it inside a seat cushion. That way, you can remove the unit easily when you want to charge its battery. The cushion is easy to access, but it isn't a place many people think about. As long as the GPS device doesn't poke them when they sit down, they will never assume to look inside your seats.

Check your tracking software before you make this a permanent spot for your GPS unit. Thick cushions could block the GPS signal. If you get a clear reading, you don't need to worry. If you see any delays, consider placing the device somewhere else.

How LandAirSea Can Help

LandAirSea works with many businesses and individuals that use automotive GPS units. Finding the best places to hide your GPS tracker gives you another level of protection. Not sure which of our GPS trackers will work best for your vehicle? We're happy to help!

Contact our office to learn more about the features to expect from our GPS units and software. We've talked to thousands of people in your position, so we have plenty of insight into the best ways to use each LandAirSea device.

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