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Using GPS For Chemical Transport

Using GPS For Chemical Transport

The chemical industry produces the base ingredients for so many products used in day-to-day life. Despite taking a blow in 2020 due to the pandemic situation, the chemical industry bounced back in 2021 and is set to grow further in 2022. Problems with the chemical supply chain still abound, though, with holdups at ports and shortages of raw ingredients causing issues all around the world. From a logistics point of view, GPS for chemical transport has never been more crucial, whether your business is in healthcare, petrochemicals or the health and beauty industry. LandAirSea supplies waterproof and dustproof GPS tracking devices ideal for the chemical industry that could save you money and make your logistics strategy safer and more efficient.

The Needs of Different Businesses in the Chemical Industry

The chemical industry is separated into three main categories: basic, specialty and consumer chemicals. Basic chemicals are the ingredients used by all other producers to make more complex ingredients or finished products. Examples include ammonia, which is processed from natural gas, or chlorine, which is produced from rock salt. Specialty chemicals are chemicals used by specific industries, such as fertilizers for agricultural enterprises or inks for the printing industry. Consumer chemicals are products sold directly to general consumers, so they must be safe to use straight out of the packaging with no further interference or manipulation. Health and beauty products and many medicines fall into this category, as do household cleaning products.

Approximately 60 percent of chemicals produced and transported in the United States are base chemicals, meaning they often need specialist containers and logistical experts to ensure safe delivery. Utilizing GPS for chemical transport has several benefits, helping to provide an additional level of assurance and security to the chemical supply chain utilizing robust and reliable tracking devices.

Benefits of GPS for Chemical Transport

GPS trackers work using the same type of technology that powers map applications. GPS is short for Global Positioning Satellite because it uses advanced satellite technology to track, monitor, and transmit location information.

For asset management and protection, this information must be highly secure and only accessible by people who are authorized to deal with the location of assets-such as shipments of chemicals. GPS trackers can be small, discreet, and connected to a remote login facility that allows businesses to track the location of assets over time. Using GPS trackers as part of your logistics strategy for chemical transportation allows you to record and utilize vital data about critical business assets and shipments. LandAirSea's ShareSpot™ location tracking and sharing system provides an intuitive way to keep track of your entire fleet - or a single shipment. 

Accurate Reporting on Supply Chain Issues

Using GPS trackers on vehicles delivering shipments of chemicals allows you to see exactly where they are going and how long they are having to wait at specific locations. Currently, bottlenecks at ports all over America are causing horrendous delays to many industries-including healthcare and many manufacturing companies that rely on specialist chemicals to keep production flowing. GPS trackers can show exactly where on the journey delays arise. This allows companies to liaise directly with their partners and customers with accurate locations so that they 're not overpromising on delivery timescales. Using GPS for chemical transport also allows companies to stay apprised of supply chain issues in real-time and keep accurate records of any issues.

Track Shipment Stock Details

Investing in GPS trackers for chemical shipments doesn 't just have to mean placing a single tracker on each logistics vehicle. Each container within a shipment can have its own individual tracker. GPS for chemical transport thus helps chemical companies keep track of stock levels and ensure that the right amount of chemical arrives at each customer or destination. This also provides better tracking information if chemicals have to be moved from one vehicle to another, such as a container that 's moved from a heavy goods vehicle to a ship.

Use Existing Delivery Timescales To Plan Logistics Better

In light of the previously mentioned supply chain issues, chemical companies have to plan their logistics more carefully than ever. Delays don 't just mean dissatisfied customers or even paused production for the receiving companies or manufacturers. Some chemicals have a limited shelf life and simply can 't be in transit for too long. Others are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature, making the transport process incredibly costly when delayed. Vaccines, for example, often have to follow cold chain processes to ensure they 're maintained at extremely low temperatures, which uses high amounts of energy. GPS for chemical transport trackers can show chemical logistics experts and partners exactly how long deliveries are taking to occur. This allows them to plan routes differently, pack more or less onto trucks accordingly or even completely transform their logistics strategies.

Instantly Report Theft or Loss

If something were to happen to chemicals while in transit, would you know how to find them? GPS trackers on individual barrels or containers are discreet enough to go unnoticed by many thieves. These trackers could help recover chemicals before they were used for nefarious purposes or sold on. If the truck or other transport vehicle was in an accident and some containers were lost, GPS trackers can help locate every container and help keep local communities and wildlife safe-as well as help chemical companies recover their assets quickly.

Better Communication with Partners and Emergency Services

One of the primary ways GPS helps with chemical transportation is by improving communication. Chemical manufacturers that rely on logistics partners can discuss the exact location of chemical shipments without vagueness or guesswork. Authorized personnel can have their own logins to the tracking systems to monitor the progress of deliveries and handovers in real-time. This allows them to report any problems almost as soon as they occur, with additional delays caused by having to figure out exactly where a shipment is. A driver between two destinations may not know exactly where they are-but your GPS for chemical transport does.

LandAirSea 's top-rated location tracking systems provide instant alerts by text or email based on bespoke needs, such as when a shipment of chemicals doesn 't reach the desired destination within a required timescale. This can prompt the logistics team to log into the secure system and check what the delay could be. Having this information so fast means that, when needed, chemical companies can immediately liaise with emergency services to report thefts or accidents, providing incredibly accurate location information to get the situation dealt with quickly and efficiently.

Contact LandAirSea to find out more about GPS trackers for chemical transport and other asset management for different aspects of the chemical industry. LandAirSea trackers are durable, dust-proof, waterproof, and highly secure. The super-strong magnets mean they 're easy to connect to your vehicles and containers, allowing you to use as few or as many trackers as you need to keep your chemicals safe and secure in transit. Keep your supply chain moving with 4G LTE trackers that utilize the latest technology to help support your chemical business.

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